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Fight dirty, clean with Koh

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Universal Cloths

Professional grade reusable cloths to clean deeper with Universal Cleaner.

Universal Cleaner & Atomiser Spray Bottle

One product to replace over 20, clean every surface in your home and beyond.

Spray Mop and Mop Pads

Clean, dry floors in second with our best-selling Spray Mop.

Surface + Spray Mop Starter Kit

Sale price£58.40 Regular price£97.35
SAVE £38

"2022 Canstar Blue Multipurpose Cleaner of the Year"

"2023 Canstar Blue Multipurpose Cleaner of the Year"

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We want the act of cleaning to be a no brainer; simple, safe & sustainable.

Clean Smart

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Clean Safe

Do yourself and the planet a favour.

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Rethink, reduce,
reuse & refill

Koh x Community Gardens Australia Sponge Garden Project

Create your own wicking garden bed, reduce water usage and keep your plants happier with Koh's biodegradable Dish Sponges

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